Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Pelagic rigs made easy.

After being bitten by the balloon fishing bug big time, I've started experimenting with different rigs and setups, and this is the one I've found to work the best. Depending on where you buy the tackle from it can become quite an expensive hobby, with times loosing half a dozen rigs in a morning. 

Instead of buying the terminal gear from tackle shops I've gone to the online stores and have found I can get alot more for less, yet I have not had any of it fail or be faulty which is a Bonus. When you can buy 40 meters of 100lb wire for the same price as 10 from a store its really quite an easy decision. Here's the gear of choice for me:

•100lb multi strand wire
•50kg ball bearing swivels
•11/0 owner hooks
•8/0 octopus circles
•200mm squid skirts
•4/0 trebles

I cut a nice long piece of wire about 2 metres long and the first thing i do is a nice Flemish eye to tie on the treble with a crimp to hold it onto place. 

Then I snell a 11/0 owner hook on, about 10cm up from the treble, and repeating this with another 11/0 around 8-10cm above it depending on how big the baits are your using.

If you don't know how to snell there are plenty of videos on you tube that can explain it, and once you get the hang of them you'll be doing them in your sleep.

With me i use the 8/0 circle hook just to pin the head in place, saves using another 11/0 but its all up to your personal preference . With all the hooks snelled on slide a 200mm squid skirt along the wire. I use a nice pink one, but as before its up to personal preference as there are quite a few different colours out there to choose from and I've just found pink to work the best. At the end of the wire tie another Flemish eye to the ball bearing swivel and crimp it in place.

Once you've got the technique down they are really quite easy to make and normally take me around 5 minutes each. I've also found using these rigs rather than the gang sets of hooks you can buy from tackle shops that you get a far better hookup rate and they will also allow the bait your using to look alot more natural in the water.

Tight lines and hope to see you out there


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