Monday, 1 July 2013

Fishing, it's a passion...

Fishing for me involves anything from sitting on a sandy beach to spinning heavy lures atop a cliff, any of which can produce a trophy fish. Yet most times I'm seen sitting, waiting for that elusive fish to take the bait I find that to be the most exciting.
 What better way to feel walking down to the beach with the family in tow knowing that its going to be fun with or without a fish. There have been plenty of nights and days spent on the beach without a single bite. But when it happens its all worth it.

I cannot remember the  many many hours I have spent trying to catch certain fish like mulloway, pink snapper and such. Yet I can remember vividly landing these for the first time, the pain, sweat and adrenaline running through as it slides up the beach and that's what keeps me going out for more. It's that "what if" factor that always makes me go out weekend after weekend, what if my mates go and I stay home and they land that monster. 

More recently tho is the enjoyment of going along with my son and watching him land his first fish, being there when he lands many more and having the time to enjoy the awesome fish stocks and locations we so luckily have here along the west coast. So for me that's why I'm out there and I hope to be bringing many stories and photos onto this page.

Tight lines everyone

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to reading about all these mulloway and pink snapper you catch
