Leaving at a nice and early 4:30am from my house to meet my cousin towing his boat down at baldivis by 5:30 we were on our way down. A few hours into the drive and we were dodging pieces of flying rubber as my cousin had managed to blow a tire on the boat trailer, and after watching many a top gear shows it was decided to leave him there to deal with it as we proceeded along the trek.
This being my first time ever fishing the areas around Albany I was frothing to get into the action so the car was unpacked at the house we were staying and then straight to the beaches to try my luck.
Arriving at the salmon holes it was clear that the fish were on he bite, this place was packed with easily over 100 people fishing the short stretch of beach and slog the rocks. Care should always be taken when fishing the rocks along these stretches of land as the slightest amount of water can turn them slippery as ice. There are numerous anchor points along the rocks and should be used to tie yourself off against, the shops down this way even have life vests that can be borrowed free of charge if you intend to fish these places.
Opening my tackle box the hardest decision was what lure to use, deciding with a 3oz white richter plug it was cast out. No sooner had the lure hit the water I was on, I barely managed to get a few turns of the handle before a salmon engulfed the plug. These fish are just magnificent fighters, very acrobatics leaping out of the water but finally I had the fish landed on the beach. A quick photo session with the fish and it was released back into the water healthy. The fish were on for the next hour with basically every cast going out hooking up. Leaving the fish in the chew it was back to camp to plan for the next morning.
Launching early the next morning it wasn't long before th fish came on the chew. The bonito are extremely agressive first in the morning and hit like little trains and fight all the way to the boat. Trolling along the coast against the rocks it doesn't take long to find a school of salmon, around this time of the year there are usually quite a few boats in the area so if you haven't found them there a good bet a boat close by has.
Trolling hardbodied lures behind the boat was extremely effective against the salmon, the sounder would show and we knew it was only seconds later before the reels would scream. Lures in the rapala sxr-10 size are perfect for this and I've found the glass ghost to be the most effective against salmon and a host of other species.
My reel of choice for this type of fishing is a 5k size Shimsno reel that are perfect for this type of fishing as they can be used for spinning along the beaches to trolling lured out the back. This was great as meant only needing to bring one reel along to cover a whole range of fishing.
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