Monday, 3 February 2014

Landbased spinning rig- haywire twist how to

There's nothing worse when fishing to lose a fish to a bust off, or even more a bite off. Spinning landbased along the northern stretches of land you come across more of the toothy critters and heavy mono just doesn't cut the mustard.

What's the solution? Running a wire trace to stop the teeth cutting through. With all the different wire, multi strand, black coated etc I've found using single stand to be the best for this type of fishing.

Use the following:
105lb single strand wire 
Pair of pliers
100lb crane or bearing swivel
100lb crane clip swivel.
1 meter length of 60lb or Heavier mono

Firstly cut a length of single strand wire approx 20-30cm long. 

Thread one end through the swivel with the clip. This end will be tied using a haywire twist, below is the following way to tie one.

Holding the swivel put 4-5 long twists into the wire.

With the long twists, use the pliers to grab the wire and kink the tag end to 90 degrees.

Holding it make 4-5 small tight wraps along the wire, this will anchor the wire into place. Cut the tag end off.

Grab the other end and make another loop in the wire.

Grab the mono and through the loop tie an Albright knot, pulling tight should look like the one above. Then tie the other swivel to the end of the mono and you're ready to fish.

All that you need is to hook your favorite lure on and you'll be in with a fighting chance of landing those mackies and other fish in no time without that stress of being bitten off.

Making a dozen of these can be done in no time and can be rigged up when one is lost.

Cheers and tight lines 
